George Gregory (Teaching Elder), Rick Mason (Clerk), Richard Morris (sabbatical), Dean Smith, John Stahl, Joel Ward, & Adrian Wright
Robert Copeland, elder emeritus
Joyce Lynn, Joel Mason, Caleb McCracken, Quinn Metheny, Bill Townsend, Jonathan Wallace, & Bethany Warren
Pastor George Gregory and his wife, Danielle, were born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA. They have 9 children (two sets of twins, and one child in glory). George served as the Associate Pastor of the RP Church in Columbus, Indiana for 4 ½ years. After significant medical complications which would lead to the death of…
Sara Mason came to western Pennsylvania from a small town in western New York. During her youth, she and her family were members of a small church where God started changing her heart to love Him and His ways. She began attending College Hill RP Church while studying at Geneva College, which she graduated from…