3400 5th Ave, Beaver Falls, PA 15010
Morning Worship – 10:45a
Sunday Evening – 6:00p

A Community of Hope
Offering Hope to Our Community

Women’s Morning Bible Study

Women are invited to a Friday morning Bible study at 10:00am in the Family Room, located downstairs in the church building. Childcare is provided.

In January 2025 we will begin a year-long study entitled Return to Jerusalem. We will begin with an overview of the history of the Israelites that flows into the story of their return to Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile. Our study will include the prophetic books of Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi studied in the context of their history in Ezra and Nehemiah. We will have the exciting opportunity to see that God’s plan of redemption began when He spoke creation into being and culminates at the cross. My hope is that we will deepen and enrich our understanding of the magnitude of God’s grace and the hope and life that is ours in Christ Jesus.

All women are welcome to this study! It is always a delight to have a wonderful spectrum of life experience and Bible knowledge in the room.

So if you are new or feel elementary in your Bible knowledge, COME!

Or, if you have studied the Bible countless times and wonder what else there is to learn or offer, COME!

Feel free to bring a friend! Our heart is that we would all grow in knowledge AND understanding of our beloved covenant God and our union with Jesus Christ, and that the truth would set us free!

For more information please contact the church office at info@hopecommunityrpc.com or (724) 843-4840.