Our youth group takes a break for the summer but we’d love to keep in touch with everyone! So we’re going to have some casual Bible study time this summer. Please see some details below about how we’ll get started! Girls’ Bible Study The HCRPC Youth Group would like to invite all youth group-aged girls,…
The Wright Shepherding Group will enjoy lunch together following morning service on Lord’s Day May 19.
Our sister church, Grace RP in Gibsonia, will be hosting their annual Ironman retreat once again this March at the Laurelville Conference Center. They invite all men to attend! Speaker: Pastor Micah RamseyTopic: Discipline your Heart: Understanding and Correcting your Inner ManWhen: Friday, March 29 (6:30pm) to Saturday, March 30 (2:30pm)Where: Laurelville Christian Retreat Center (Lodge)Register here if you plan on…
The Mason Shepherding group will enjoy a meal together following morning worship on Lord’s Day February 25.
The Hope Community Book Club will meet at the home of Bob & Louise Copeland on Friday, February 23 at 7p.m. All are invited to discuss Colin Hansen’s Timothy Keller: His Spiritual and Intellectual Formation. Contact the church office for more info: office@hopecommunityrpc.com
The Smith Shepherding Group will enjoy lunch together following morning service on Lord’s Day February 18.
Going once! Going twice! SOLD! The Fellowship Committee enthusiastically invites the congregation to a Soup Supper and Dessert Auction on Saturday, February 10 here in the Hope fellowship hall. Supper will begin at 5:00, with the auction following directly afterward. Bread, salad, and coffee/drinks will be provided. Families attending are asked to bring a pot…
Family fun at Pine Valley Camp!
Proclamation Safari Park is coming to College Hill and we invite children (K-6th grade, as of fall 2023) to come learn about the life of Jesus! Save the date for this summer’s VBS – July 24-28 – Monday through Friday – 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.! Please click here to register your child(ren)! Thank you!
The Presbytery of the Alleghenies of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America holds a family camp every summer, except when it coincides with the International Conference. Campers, both young and old, gather to worship together, learn together and play together. More info can be found on Camp’s webiste! Sabbath or Slavery: Learning to rest…